Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Off to New York

The kay family is splitting up. Nicky and the Girls are heading to New York in a few weeks and the Papa is staying behind to further his education. They will be apart for a whole month. This is longer than ever in the 6 year history of this magical union. Wish us luck.
Benjamin will be able to start working as a nurse as soon as Aug. or Sept. It seems like such a short time but it is upon us almost. Nicky will have the same oportunity but a little later on.
Vivian is doing better each day. She is almost completly healed of two of the three abrasion burns. The third will take a little longer. We found out today that the Colligan cream that was perscribed to her w/o insurance in a 2 oz tube costs $116.00. Lucky for us the accident insurence should take care of it. Ouch. It works really well. We cant thank you all enough for all of the words of encouragment during this diffacult time. We still have vivid thoughts of what might have happened had the car not stopped. Her hip fracture will heal and requires no further monitering by the orthopoedist. Yay. They called it a fracture of the Iliac Wing. For those of you who are bone anatomy buffs it is a fracture between the Iliac Crest of the Os Coxa and the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine. Ya know, the hip bone or what not.
Mother's day will never be the same. I think for the Kay family it will be Vivian Day!

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